Friday, July 15, 2005

Lotsa stuff

12/7/05 - Titchwell and Undisclosed - Leaders: Simeon, James, Matt

The Tuesday trip to Titchwell was a good trip, there were several good waders around, including 6 spotted redshank (a record for all present) and 4 little-ringed plover. Other interesting individuals included a green sandpiper, a whimbrel on the beach and a bar-tailed godwit (which took some finding!!). There were many ruffs around, all in different plumages, which proved quite a challenge.

From the bank several common terns could be seen, and it was a nice surprise to find two little gulls flying around with them. A mediterranean gull was also spotted by Simeon and Matt.

I took a quick trip down to the beach where I found the whimbrel (mentioned earlier), a small raft of eider and several curlew, with a flock of distant waders made unidentifiable by the heat haze. An unwelcome sighting was a horse fly on my arm, spotted shortly before I experienced considerable pain, and the fly experienced death by thumb and forefinger!!!

After the visit to Titchwell we took a quick detour to a nearby undisclosed site to try and catch a glimpse of the nesting Montagu's harriers there. We were not disappointed! Good views of both harriers in flight together with a marsh harrier gave an opportunity for size and shape comparison. The female was also seen on the ground and a buzzard flew over. A nice round-up to a wicked day's birding.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

A long awaited trip!

Dunwich Heath and Minsmere RSPB Leaders - Connor,Simeon, James, Matthew

The day started at 6:35am (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) when we left for Dunwich and Minsmere. We arrived at Dunwich at 8:30am. We walked down the path to the main heath where we heard Dartford Warbler calling already. We were expecting a long wait but one popped up onto the top of a heather bush briefly, then another, then a Stonechat (bottom left). Suddenly we heard a piercing "keeeeeeeoooo", we looked up to find a huge bird of prey, at first we thought it was a Marsh Harrier but the we saw a flash of red on the back of the bird (hint-hint), it was a Red Kite! The forked tail was also a big hint ! More Stonechats were annoyingly "Warblerish". One more Dartford Warbler allowed me to get this record shot (top left).

Minsmere started with superb views of a Bittern flying over the path very, very close. On the sea we had Common Tern, Little Tern and Sandwich Tern in large numbers. We wandered along the seafront further to find nesting Ringed Plover and two female Stonechat. The first hide gave us Spotted Redshank, 250+ Common Terns, 9 Mediterranean Gulls, 20+ Sandwich Terns, 5 Barnacle Geese. The second hide gave us 2 Ruff, another Spotted Redshank. We had a Bittern and Marsh Harrier in between the two hides. The third hide gave us Hobby, Bittern, Common Sandpiper,Black-Tailed Godwits, Whimberel, Little Egret and Ringed Plover. The Bittern Hide showed Grey Heron and Marsh Harrier. Overall we saw 76 species. A good day out.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pot Luck !

Little Snoring 10/7/05 leaders : Connor
On the way to Sheringham I was amazed to see a large bird of prey being mobbed by crows over Little Snoring. The bird was an fantastic adult Honey Buzzard. A case of being in the right place at the right time.

Electric Blue

8/7/05 Flitcham leaders: Connor
For the second time this year I stopped at Flitcham, hoping to get the nesting kingfisher. A Barn Owl hunted right outside the hide and two Little Egrets gave fantastic views on the first pool. Still there was no sign of the Kingfishers. With what was literally the last scan I picked out the superb electric view of a Kingfisher flashing across the lake. A super bird !

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Back Again?

9/7/05 Welney Leaders: Simeon, James,Matthew.
We went to Welney to try and pick up some more birds seeing as it was the only reserve we could go to that day. It was the second time James and I had been there in three days. We only had about one and a half hours, but I managed to glimpse the Common Sandpiper at the back of the marsh from the main observatory. Other birds we saw were; Grey Heron, one Black Tailed Godwit, two Little Ringed Plover, several Common Terns, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier, several Whooper Swans, four Common Snipes, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, but unfortunately we didn't see the Little Gull we had seen two days ago. Not bad going for just one and a half hours.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Waders Return!

7/7/05 Titchwell Leaders: Connor
Today's visit to Titchwell saw many more waders than in recent weeks. After eating the delicious bacon roll a brisk walk was made down to the first lagoon, seeing two Bearded Tits, three Sedge Warblers and two Reed Warblers on the way. The freshmarsh was alive with activity with seven Little Gulls diving and dipping for food , six Spotted Redshanks, (four in full summer plumage, two in-between) many Redshanks and Avocets with a sprinkling of Dunlins, two Turnstones, one Little Ringed Plover, four Ringed Plover, one Common Sandpiper, two Common Terns, five Ruff, two Bar Tailed Godwits, around fifteen Black Tailed Godwits, one Whimberel and one Little Egret. Many eclipse ducks were also present with many Teal, Gadwall and Wigeon (pictured above) seen. A brief visit to the fen hide produced two juvenile Marsh Harriers but not the hoped for Bittern.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


6/7/05 Welney Leaders: Simeon and James
James and I took the opportunity of a day out at Welney, twelve minutes there from Denver by car, about one and a half hours away by bike. For some unknown reason we took the cycling option. It was worth the journey though, because we saw 47 different species of bird. When we got there we went straight to the main observatory which provided a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, plenty of Avocets with young, several Gadwalls, the odd Marsh Harrier popping up over the reeds, a couple of Grey Herons, a male summer plumage Ruff, a single Black tailed godwit, a few Common Terns, two Common Snipes and a Common Sandpiper. Then we went to the Reedbed Hide to find a Ruddy Duck amongst about 15 female Mallards. In the hide there was a Cricket and a Wolf Spider. On the path there was a Stag Beetle. Finally we went to the Buxton Hide and saw, one Little Gull, ten very late Whooper Swans, two female Tufted ducks(one with two young and one with six young) and a female Shovelor. On the journey to Welney and back we saw a few Kestrels, one Turtle Dove and two Little Owls near some barns, the odd Great Crested Grebe and Grey Heron in dikes, two Sedge Warblers, a Whitethroat, a Blackcap and we heard a Yellowhammer. A very good count for Welney.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Pleasant Summer Stroll

5/7/05 leaders: Matthew, Connor
An afternoon trip to Snettisham Coastal Park and Snettisham RSPB. From the top bank at the coastal park we could hear a distant Quail. In the park we could hear Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. We then strolled along the beach towards the pits with two Scaups and several Common Terns being seen. From the hides one Greenshank, one Spotted Redshank, one Knot, one Little Gull, one Ruff and one adult Mediterranean Gull all peformed. Several Turnstones and Ringed Plovers were on the beach. All in all a nice trip!

Monday, July 04, 2005

A Quick Stop Off

3/7/05 Breydon Water leaders: Connor
A quick stop off to see the Kentish Plover at Breydon. This bird showed well but was a bit to distant for a good photograph. Other birds seen included Ruff, Greenshank, Whimbrel and about thirty Common Terns. The plover was a lifer.