Saturday, December 20, 2008

NOA Christmas Party!

20/12/08 Holme, Thornham and Chosely: Simeon, Connor, James

We decided to get to Holme for first light so we could search for owls before the party, but we couldn't be bothered to check the whole forestry, so instead Connor showed us a new area he recently discovered which looks perfect for rarities - we will definitely be visiting it during the next fall! On the way a Lapland Bunting and a few Rock Pipits flew over, and a Barn Owl was floating over the fields. A pair of Bearded Tits showed amazingly well in a reedbed. At the site itself a male Merlin flew over, and another Barn Owl was nearby. We walked back to the observatory before Jed could eat all the food, and had an unhealthy lunch before doing a seawatch. The seawatch was not one of Holme's best moments, although a few Red-throated Divers were nice. Back at the observatory a Snipe flew up off the marsh, and a Water Rail was squealing in the reedbed close by. Single Brambling and Redpoll flew over the car park.

We left to follow up a report of Waxwings nearby, without much luck. As the dusk began to set in we drove back via Chosely. Just before the turning we glimpsed a harrier and quickly pulled over where we all piled out to watch a lovely male Hen Harrier ghosting over the fields. As we were watching the second Merlin of the day, a female, shot through and we were able to watch it for a few minutes before both birds disappeared over the ridge.

Stopping at Choseley we were out of luck for Corn Buntings, but one last highlight was in store before the close of day - a female Hen Harrier gave us a farewell flyby! A great day on the Norfolk coast, despite missing out on the hoped-for Serin.


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