Autumn waders...
24/7/08 Welney WWT - James and Simeon
James and I went to Welney to try and see the Spoonbill reported there. On arrival a volunteer said that it roosts on the reserve but flies out into the fens every morning at about 7am.
So James and I went over to the main hide anyway and the logbook read; "3 Spoonbills this morning..." So there were three.
As it was, there were none visible during our time there (as always) but we had a good time anyway. The new camera they have set up on one of the islands was great! A Black-Headed Gull was standing on top of it so Igot it in my scope. Then I rotated the camera and the gull rotated too! I think it got dizzy because it soon fell off! It was a bit mean, but so funny.
The numbers of Little Egrets was phenominal, challenging Titchwell even! I counted 37 all on the main lagoon!
Other birds of note included; 19 Black-Tailed Godwit, 2 Ruff, 3 Marsh Harriers, a Common Tern, only one female Garganey (apparently there had been up to 12) and a Whimbrel that I found using the camera!
On the journey home we saw 2 Turtle Doves and 2 Corn Buntings. It was a lovely trip and made one thing for certain...autumn has begun!
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