Monday, June 23, 2008

Last minute decisions!

22/6/08 Sutton Gault - Simeon and James
After dinner we randomly decided to go for the Spotted Crakes that had been calling recently at Sutton Gault. After the half hour drive we arrived just before 9pm and scanned the marsh as the Crakes were sarting to call at around 9:30 apparently. The totals were; 4 Little Egrets, 11 Grey Herons, 1 Kestrel and 1 Barn Owl which landed on a post.

We then positioned ourselves along the road as far away from trees as possible due to the high winds making a very loud noise!

Then we decided to walk along the edge of the field where they had been calling. At about 9:40 we heard both birds and went back along the bank to where about 5 other birders had gathered. After another 5 minutes or so, listening to the crakes calling, we decided to head home. We reached the end of the causeway and quickly walked down the bank a short distance to where one of the crakes was calling. Luckily, a bird flew out of the field and flew riht past us, but unfortunately, we didn't know it was a Spotted crake until it had gone! At least we saw it!

It was a very nice trip and good to get Spotted Crake on the "BOU List"


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