Waders Return!
7/7/05 Titchwell Leaders: Connor
Today's visit to Titchwell saw many more waders than in recent weeks. After eating the delicious bacon roll a brisk walk was made down to the first lagoon, seeing two Bearded Tits, three Sedge Warblers and two Reed Warblers on the way. The freshmarsh was alive with activity with seven Little Gulls diving and dipping for food , six Spotted Redshanks, (four in full summer plumage, two in-between) many Redshanks and Avocets with a sprinkling of Dunlins, two Turnstones, one Little Ringed Plover, four Ringed Plover, one Common Sandpiper, two Common Terns, five Ruff, two Bar Tailed Godwits, around fifteen Black Tailed Godwits, one Whimberel and one Little Egret. Many eclipse ducks were also present with many Teal, Gadwall and Wigeon (pictured above) seen. A brief visit to the fen hide produced two juvenile Marsh Harriers but not the hoped for Bittern.
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