Monday, December 31, 2007

Night birding!!!

1/1/08 James and Simeon
James and I went for a leisurely stroll to celebrate the new year! We notched our year lists up to and inredible 4 in the pitch black! A Tawny Owl hooted a few times, we heard a Little Owl at Whin Common, a startled Blackbird called once and the distinctive heavy flapping of a Woodpigeon was heard as it was woken up (though the Woodpigeon doesn't really count!). I was really pleased to have Little Owl so early on in the year, because they are generally quite hard to cath up with in my area!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Simeon and I decided to go for what was probably the last birding trip of the year, down to the coast for a spot of seawatching. Our first stop was Denver Sluice to attempt to relocate Saturday's Firecrest, as I really wanted to see it through optics. However, we wanted to get on so didn't try particularly hard, and left after picking up 3 Goosanders.

10 minutes down the road was Tottenhill GP's where we checked for Smew. Unusually there were none present (probably all at Welney!), but there were several Goldeneye. Approaching Kings Lynn we decided to have a crack at the Great Grey Shrike at Roydon. The pattern repeated itself, despite the efforts of several birders, and we left without any yearticks, feeling somewhat annoyed. A brief check at Dersingham Bog still yielded no Shrike.

We stopped off at Matt's house to see if he wanted to go to Titchwell. Finding him in his pyjamas we left later than planned, but luckily there wasn't much at Titchwell so this wasn't too devastating! Connor was already on the coast doing a sponsored birdwatch with Jed and Sophie (the wardens of Holme NOA) and David Roche, and had already had Black-throated Diver (a potential lifer for us) and Grey Phalarope past on the sea at Holme. Apparently it was otherwise dead, which was more good news becausec there was no way we would be able to get to the sea and back in time and have actually done some decent birding! We picked up some bacon sandwiches, then went to the first hide (having 2 water rails along the way) and found plenty of nice looking wildfowl, but nothing particularly exciting.

Whilst helping somebody with gull identification, my phone rang in the hide! This is usually a bad thing, but this time it was Connor, ringing to tell us that Sophie had found a female Red-crested Pochard about 200m away (THANK YOU CONNOR!!!!!!!). Swiftly exiting the hide we used the patented Mr Reade Walk to reach the Pochard in the shortest possible time. Woohoo! A really unexpected lifer for all of us which more than made up for the day's dipping! We made our way back to the visitor centre as I needed to buy some new bins (a birthday present from grandparents). The new release of a pair of RSPB binoculars made the choice more difficult than I thought. Vistrons were holding up well (partly because they look so cool), but I finally settled on a pair of 10x45 Viking GR's, putting me out £260, but they were definitely worth it!

Back at Matt's house I had a call from Connor saying they had a lovely Red-necked Grebe on the sea and some Med Gulls one hide down from where we had been, but also that there was a Glaucous Gull at Saddlebow! My heart beat faster and I didn't spare the accelerator on the way! At Saddlebow we got out of the car... and nearly cried. Literally thousands of gulls moving all around us, more than half of them juv. Herring Gulls, and we had to find a juv. Glaucous. No chance! Using carefully honed bush-ninja surveillance skills we crept up on the flock and observed from behind some brambles. It was horrible! After a while however, Simeon had it! He tried to direct me to it in a scope view full of gulls, but alas. I think I got onto the right bird, but it had its back to us and I couldn't clearly get the pink on the bill and it didn't flap for me (to show pale wingtips) as it did for Simeon, before I lost it in the mayhem. I suddenly went mad and lost my cool, leaving the cover of the bush and walking closer to the gulls! They all took to the air and scattered; Simeon went back to the car. I spent another hour dredging, finding a possible Yellow-legged Gull (but it was on the water so I couldn't clinch it, and anyway the Glaucous was far more important so I moved on) but failed to pick up on the much sought after second lifer of the day.

Just to put the icing on the cake, Connor called me back at home to tell me that the Shrike had been reported at 4.00, and someone else had had the Glauc and - yes, you guessed it - a Yellow-legged Gull.

But the Red-crested Pochard was nice!

Merry Christmas everybody!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Wetlands...

16/12/07 Simeon and James.
We went to Welney after lunch and picked up 1 female Marsh Harrier and 50+ Black-tailed Godwit, with a female Bahama Pintail (returning from the previous winter). The other hides were flooded so we left for Denver sluice at about 3. Loads of Wigeon were on the Ouse as well as a seal eating a fish! 2 Snipe and a Grey Wagtail were also present. We then went to Tottenhill and saw loads of Pintail, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Greylag geese, 1 Little grebe, 1 Great-crested grebe and will be returning soon to look for smew.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

15/12/07 Bates Wood, Denver. Simeon
Ringing started at 8:ooam this morning at Bates Wood, Denver. Quite a few birds were caught, amongst which were 3 Coal tits, 1 Goldcrest, several Long-tailed tits, a Woodpigeon and a splendid adult Green Woodpecker! The best pictures of the woodpecker are in the gallery. Its claws were really sharp and I came home bearings the painful, but respectable scars! Other birds caught were; loads of Blackbirds, Blue tits, Great tits, and the odd Robin and Dunnock. Other birds seen were; several Siskin flying over, a Great-Spotted Woodpecker and a Sparrowhawk. It was a great morning.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

I'm ringing in the rain...

8/12/07 Bates Wood, Denver (Simeon)
Trevor came down here and we did some ringing at Bates Wood for about 3 hours. 31 birds were caught in 4 nets. 16 Blackbirds, 1 Wren, 1 Chaffinch and some Blue and Great Tits. On a walk around the wood we flushed a Woodcock from the ditch at the South end. A Kingfisher entertained us in the rain along the stream and a Siskin flew over calling a few times.