Monday, January 23, 2006


22/1/06 Welney WWT Leaders: Simeon and James.
After having an O.K. trip to Titchwell yesterday, we decided to turn up the heat a little and headed straight for the ten Tundra Bean geese that were only ten minutes away from where we lived. We got a respectable total of 50 species including; 2000+ Whooper Swans, 2000+ Bewick's Swans, 10 Bean Geese (I didn't manage a decent photo as the birds were very distant and the lighting conditions were poor, but I was pleased we had at last seen them), 40+ Pintail (A brave male came right up onto the bank during the feed and we managed to get some super shots of him), 30+ Dunlin, a single Ruff and 5+ Common Snipe. All in all a pretty good trip.
(We missed a Bittern that was seen there, perching in a tree in the morning!!!)
(See gallery soon for pictures from the trip.)

Not much time!

21/1/06 Titchwell RSPB Leaders Simeon, James, Matthew.
We got to Titchwell and headed straight to the sightings book. After reading half way down the page we had already decided to head for the beach. We had only got about one hour fifteen minutes, so we decided to blow it all on the beach. We got there to be greeted by what looked like an oil spill, but it turned out to be about 1000 Common Scoters. In amongst the raft were two Velvet Scoters. The only other decent thing on the sea were a few Goldeneye. Other highlights on the reserve were; Grey Plover and a Common Snipe. As we walked back along the path, about 2500 Brent geese flew in to roost. The day had given me (Simeon) a good number of yearers and some fairly respectable sightings.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A second bite of the cherry!

14/1/05 Lowestoft Harbour, Morston Quay, Holkham Freshmarsh
After missing the Cley NWT Ross's Gull me and my dad were given a second chance thanks to a bird turning up at Lowestoft. An exceptionally early start (5:00 am!) meant we were on site at 7:00 am despite getting lost several times. After a half an hour wait the Ross's Gull came down to the water with a group of Black Headed Gulls. It remained in the harbour area for fifteen minutes before flying towards Lake Lothing. Other birds in around the harbour included 2 Shags, a drake Red Breasted Merganser and 2 Little Gulls while a short walk to Ness Point provided a Purple Sandpiper.
Next stop was Breydon Water. A Water Pipit was near the hide as was a female Sparrowhawk while a good selection of waders included Dunlin, Knot, Grey Plover, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Ruff, Curlew and Black Tailed Godwit. Two Kestrels and two Barn Owls were also seen. After this a short diversion was rewarded with a group of twenty-five Waxwings along the A 12. The light was appalling but I managed a few record shots. (For more see gallery.)
Unfortunately Morston failed to produce the Little Bunting but there were six Little Egrets and a Marsh Harrier. The final stop was Holkham Freshmarsh. A Black Brant and three hybrids were just east of Lady Anne's Drive.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A nice start to the year!

2/1/06 Cley NWT and Massingham Heath leaders: Connor
I travelled with my dad to Cley NWT to see the Ross's Gull .It hadn't been seen by the time we arrived and unfortunately never showed, however, there were two Black Throated Divers, four Red Throated Divers, eight Great Crested Grebes, two Guillemots, (one of which landed on the beach, see gallery) six Eiders, three Common Scoters while there were two Marsh Harriers and a Kestrel hunting the marsh.

When we arrived at Massingham there was no sign of the hoped for Rough Legged Buzzard so we walked up a public bridleway and found a Rough Legged Buzzard sitting in a tree! It was mobbed by a crow and flew into the distance, revealing a superb white rump. Two Kestrels and two Sparrowhawks were also seen.