Nearly there!
Hickling Broad NWT (Stubb's Mill) 3/11/05 leaders: Connor
After a fairly lengthy period looking for a new set of binoculars, with no success, at Titchwell RSPB and In Focus, it was decided the raptor and crane roost at Hickling should be visited.
On arrival at the viewing area and being told there were four Cranes in the area but that they had not been seen for some time, Marsh Harriers soon became evident. By the end of the evening 15+ had been seen. The next species to be noted was a Barn Owl hunting the marsh, as were six Kestrels. A slow period then began.
Ten minutes and several Muntjacs later the shout of male Hen Harrier went up and this ghostly male gave reasonable views and even came back two minutes later. A shout of a ringtail Hen Harrier then went up. The bird was clearly not a Hen Harrier as it was to bulky and had too much white on the rump. It turned out to be an escaped Harris Hawk!!!
Shortly after this four really elegant and ghostly white Cranes flew across the marsh. It ended with a Merlin dashing through and three ringtail and one male Hen Harriers. All in all a great trip. The Common Cranes mean I am on 249 for my yearlist. Smew has just arrived up at Tottenhill. Hopefully that will stay put!!!
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